How To Host A Movie Night At Your Church
Increasing church membership engagement is one of the goals that nearly all ministries set. One successful way to achieve this goal involves hosting a movie night at your church. Movie nights are one of the most effective, no-pressure events that can easily encourage people who might not otherwise attend to visit and learn some exciting reasons to become a regular member of your church. It’s an incredibly impactful yet fun outreach to support the community with inspiring messages about love, family, relationships, spirituality, and God.
Although movie nights are an excellent way to increase engagement and attract people of all ages, and socio-economic or ethnic groups, there’s some planning involved. If your church is planning a movie night, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here’s what you need to know.
Tips For Picking The Right Movie
From Christianity-themed films to Disney movies, there are plenty of choices for making the right pick. One way to go about it is to choose a genre and decide on a theme. Choose a love-affirming movie if you’re planning a date night, or select a universally uplifting and appealing movie if you aim to host a simple night of entertainment for the wider community. The other way is to ask the church staff to recommend movies they’ve already seen and can approve for screening. If the movie isn’t church-friendly, forewarn the people of any suggestive material. There’s nothing worse than sitting next to innocent children or your godly grandma, who is horrified to see an inappropriate scene at the church movie night. Getting the movie approved is better than causing potential mental trauma.
Don’t Forget To Purchase A Movie License
Did you know that copyright law requires you to purchase a license for screening any movie outside the privacy of your home? There would be hefty, expensive penalties, even if you didn’t know about the rules. Although the license fee varies by production company or film, most licenses are rather affordable. The rate can sometimes depend on the expected attendees, the facility’s size, and other key factors.
Spread The Word
Now it’s time to extend the movie night’s invitation. You can promote the event by putting the information on the church’s social media handles, website, and bulletin boards. Printing and distributing appealing bulletin inserts, posters, flyers, and Invite-Tickets is another excellent idea. Show your congregation the trailer to get them excited about the event and ask them to share it with their friends and family. Share links where people can sign up or create a Facebook event to direct people to sign up in one location.
Make The Event An Unforgettable, Positive Experience For All
Provide refreshments for all the guests, such as candy, popcorn, soft drinks, or hot cocoa. You can use a full-size projector to create a real theatre-style experience. Keep some time for mingling before and after the movie with designated volunteers to help facilitate the needs of all attendees. Remember, the more creative you get, the more attendees you can attract in your future endeavors.
Manage All the Logistics Ahead of The Event
Preparation is the key to ensuring a successful event. Test the equipment to make sure the movie night doesn’t get plagued with technical difficulties. This is especially a useful tip for churches that own the equipment, such as projectors, DVD players, speakers, and other systems that can be used at the event. However, if your ministry owns such equipment, it’s always a good idea to get them insured because unfortunate events and mishaps can occur at any time and any place to cause potentially expensive damages.
Another important thing to make the movie night fun for all is to create a warm and welcoming environment for all members so that they feel safe. If you’re looking for ways to safeguard your ministry, connect with experienced church insurance agents at Integrity Now Insurance Brokers.
They’ll connect you to top-notch church insurance companies providing a wide range of services including, house of worship insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, church property insurance, commercial auto insurance, church liability insurance, and more to safeguard the ministries in California, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, Washington, and Texas.
Give us a call at 877-854-7396 to schedule a consultation with our church insurance agents to learn about comprehensive church insurance coverage plans to optimize protection for your ministry.