
How Might a Church's Bylaws Protect It from Liability

How Might a Church's Bylaws Protect It from Liability? Understanding Member Qualifications, Responsibilities, Legal Definitions, Church Board Member Requirements

When a church is sued, one of the first places the plaintiff’s attorney will look is the church’s bylaws. If the bylaws are not up to date or do not address critical areas of concern, the church could be at risk for liability.


It is essential for churches to understand what should be included in their bylaws and how those provisions might protect them from liability.


This article will discuss key areas that churches should consider when drafting or updating their bylaws.

What are Church Bylaws?

Church bylaws are a set of rules and regulations that govern how a church organization is run. These bylaws include details about the structure of the church, such as who has the authority to make decisions and how those decisions are made, as well as details about finances and membership.


Church bylaws also outline specific procedures for holding meetings, voting on important matters, electing officers, amending the bylaws, and other operational matters.


Church bylaws provide guidance to members on what the church believes as part of its core doctrine. They can help churches maintain consistency in their operations while providing an avenue for making changes when needed.

What is the Purpose of Church Bylaws?

Church bylaws provide a framework and guidelines for the church’s operations, including membership details, leadership responsibilities, and policies. It also serves as a safeguard to protect the church from liabilities such as lawsuits.


The bylaws should include statements of faith and provisions for autonomy, as well as outlining the purpose and goals of the church, powers and restrictions allowed to it, and management of leadership for day-to-day operations.

Company Bylaws

What Should be Included in a Church's Bylaws to Protect your Board Members from Liability?

1. Statement of Biblical Authority

It is vital for a church’s bylaws to include a statement of Biblical authority to provide its members with the assurance that they are following the teachings of God and trusting in Him. This assurance it gives members the confidence that their actions are righteous and in line with His Word.


2. Statement of Basic Belief

It is important for a church to have a statement of basic belief because it serves as the foundation for its values and practices and helps protect it from liability. Having a statement of basic belief in either its bylaws or as a standalone document allows the church to be granted 501c3 status from the IRS, which grants tax-exempt status and other benefits.


Additionally, having an accessible statement of faith will provide both current attendees and potential seekers with information about what to expect from the church’s theology or ideology. Ultimately, having a clear statement of belief can help protect churches from unnecessary liability.


3. Statement on Marriage and Sexuality

Maintaining a clear statement on marriage and sexuality in its bylaws is important to safeguard the Church from liability and protect its members. This statement sets out biblical teachings on marriage, sexual intimacy, identity, and expectations for behavior consistent with Christianity.


It also outlines the responsibilities of all employees to abide by these beliefs.


These measures help ensure unity among church members while offering hope of salvation through Jesus Christ for those struggling with sin. An Elders board can be empowered to enforce this statement against any action deemed inappropriate or inconsistent with Church doctrines.


Having a clear statement on marriage and sexuality will help with your church insurance coverage and provide a defense if your policy includes religious expression insurance.


4. Requirements for Membership

Including membership requirements in a church’s bylaws is important for several reasons. Firstly, such requirements help the church to operate legally and ethically. Additionally, formalized membership requirements ensure that the church can attract and retain members who are genuine followers of Jesus Christ and have responded to the gospel’s message.


Furthermore, establishing clear criteria for removing members helps protect churches from potential liability issues by ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to revoke or terminate a person’s membership status.


5. Procedures for Voting by Members

The significance of having procedures for voting by members in a church’s bylaws is that it allows for democratic decision-making within the church, ensuring that all members can have their say in the matters presented.


These procedures also help protect a church from liability and ensure that any decisions are consistent with its mission. By following these procedures, churches can ensure fair and equitable decision-making processes and promote trust among members.


6. Formal Dispute Resolution

Formal dispute resolution is a multi-step process for disputes between believers that can be used instead of court-based litigation. This process includes mediation and, if needed, binding arbitration to help parties reach an agreement without the need for going through the courts.


To protect a church from potential liability and other legal issues, it is essential that formal dispute resolution methods are included in its bylaws. This allows members to refrain from filing lawsuits against the church and submit all disputes to Christian Alternative Dispute Resolution or Institute for Christian Conciliation or arbitration.


Additionally, provisions should be made regarding costs associated with such proceedings and judgment being entered into any court having jurisdiction if necessary.


7. Powers of the Church

The Church should have the power to sue for damages to protect itself from liability. It should also be able to establish other offices, campuses, sites, and locations and cooperate with other churches by voting to affiliate with them.


It should also have bylaws that specify church members’ qualifications and responsibilities under applicable legal definitions. These bylaws can guide how the Church conducts its business and ensure that all members abide by applicable laws and regulations.


8. Indemnification of Directors, Officers, Employees, and Agents

Indemnification is a legal concept that provides protection from liability for specific actions taken by individuals on behalf of an organization. This protection extends to directors, Church officers, and its’ Executive Team members who act in good faith while carrying out their duties and responsibilities.


Therefore, it is crucial for churches to include indemnification in their bylaws so that they can protect themselves from any legal action taken against them.


9. Church Insurance

A church needs to consider various insurance coverage to protect itself from property and liability losses. This includes abuse insurance, general liability insurance, business auto insurance, church building insurance coverage, workers’ compensation insurance, cyber security coverage, data protection, and more. Your church insurance program can cover an array of things to help protect your church from financial ruin.


10. Prohibition Against Private Inurement

Private inurement is an important concept to consider when drafting a church’s bylaws. It refers to a situation where the church benefits from investments made by its members, potentially violating US tax laws and jeopardizing the organization’s exempt status.


A Conflict of Interest Policy may be included in the church’s bylaws to protect against private inurement and ensure that decisions made within the organization are for its benefit rather than for any individual member. By including this policy, churches can safeguard themselves against liability from conflicts of interest or private inurement violations.


11. Safeguards

It is essential for churches to protect themselves from liability to avoid costly lawsuits. To do so, they should include certain safeguards within their bylaws. These safeguards may include provisions that identify the types of losses that can occur and measures to reduce the frequency and severity of such losses.


Churches should also comply with state and federal tax requirements and file Form 990-T to report unrelated business income. Additionally, churches should ensure that board members put the church’s interests first and refrain from taking any personal financial benefits from their positions.


12. Use of Outside Experts

When creating a church’s bylaws, it is essential to use outside experts specializing in churches and nonprofit organizations to ensure that they are comprehensive and up-to-date with current legal standards.


Outside experts can help the church determine what type of qualifications and responsibilities members should have and help define any legal terms or definitions that may be included in the bylaws. By using outside experts when creating their bylaws, churches can reduce their liability risk while ensuring that they meet all applicable laws and regulations.


13. Periodic Review

It is crucial for churches to review their bylaws periodically because they must be kept up-to-date and comply with applicable law. Additionally, it ensures that the church is fair and impartial to all members and protects their rights. It also helps ensure that membership terminations are handled under the laws outlined in these bylaws. By taking these steps, churches can protect themselves from potential liability risks.


14. Records of Proceedings

The importance of keeping records of proceedings in a church’s bylaws cannot be overstated. By having a written description of the proceedings, the church can provide legal protection for its members and protect itself from any potential liability from their actions. Furthermore, these documents offer future generations insight into the history and values of the church.


The bylaws also outline the extent to which members may be indemnified for expenses incurred in defending a proceeding and specify that any such payments are subject to applicable law. In sum, maintaining accurate records in a church’s bylaws is essential for safeguarding its members and providing accountability now and in years to come.


15. Contracts and Legal Instruments

To protect them from liability, churches should include contracts and legal instruments in their bylaws. These could include a statement of beliefs that all members must agree to, member qualifications, and responsibilities.


Additionally, indemnification of directors, officers, and agents should be included as well as the disclosure of financial interests to avoid conflicts of interest. Contractual clauses such as an emergency power clause and whistleblower policy are necessary, keeping track of financial transactions books and records and using outside experts when needed.


Lastly, confidentiality should be protected for whistleblowers for churches to protect themselves from potential liability.


16. Ownership and Distribution of Church Property

Ownership and distribution of church property are essential aspects of the Christian faith. Churches protect and manage property such as buildings, land, investments, and other assets.


Church ownership and distribution of property should be done in accordance with Biblical principles such as integrity, justice, honesty, transparency, and fairness. Additionally, churches should consider how their decisions on matters pertaining to ownership and distribution of property affect the community at large.


It is essential that churches ensure that their decisions promote unity among their members while also providing materials and resources to support their mission. Furthermore, it is vital that churches remain in compliance with local laws regarding the use and ownership of church properties.


Finally, churches should strive to ensure that any proceeds or profits resulting from the ownership and distribution of church property are used to further God’s kingdom.


17. Deposits

The church’s bylaws should include provisions for deposits. The requirements should be specific to the church’s needs and should provide for the required minimum balance and maximum amount of deposits.


These provisions should also address who is authorized to make deposits, how often the accounts must be reconciled, and how funds will be distributed in the case of dissolution or merger. Furthermore, all deposit agreements should include clear terms and conditions regarding withdrawals and liability waivers protecting both parties involved.


18. Required Books and Records

A church must maintain records to protect itself from liability. These records should include the names of church leaders, staff members, and deacons. The church should maintain financial transaction records and information about its members, such as member qualifications, responsibilities, and legal definitions.


19. Gifts

Gifts are significant for churches to include in their bylaws for multiple reasons. These gifts can be used to assist with running costs of the church and fundraise and thank donors or volunteers who have offered services.


20. Electronic Notice

A church’s bylaws need to contain provisions related to electronic notice, as this is a modern means of communication used in today’s world. The electronic notice includes any communication sent through electronic transmissions, such as emails, social media, and text messages.


These notices must be designated to the appropriate directors or officers, who can then revoke their consent if they wish. Additionally, the bylaws provide that if electronic notices are delivered but not received, they are still legally delivered.


By including provisions for electronic notice in their bylaws, churches can protect themselves from potential liability issues that could arise from failing to provide proper notification to members or directors.

21. Independent Financial Audit

An independent financial audit is necessary for a church to protect itself from liability as it evaluates the financial statements’ accuracy and ensures that no IRS violations have occurred. It also helps detect any conflict of interest between board members, staff, and/or committees and ensures that all decisions are in the church’s best interest.


Furthermore, an independent audit allows for due diligence when entering any transaction with outside parties to confirm it is in the church’s best interests and is fair. This ultimately ensures that all actions taken by a church adhere to its bylaws, helping protect it from potential legal liabilities.

best practices for creating effective Church Bylaws

How do member qualifications, responsibilities, and legal definitions affect a church’s protection against liability?

Churches should ensure that their members meet the qualifications for membership, such as being baptized and believing in the church’s teachings. They should also understand their responsibilities, which include following the rules outlined in their bylaws and honoring any legal requirements.


Additionally, churches should be aware of legal definitions that apply to them, such as those related to taxation or liability. Understanding these qualifications, responsibilities, and definitions can help protect a church from potential lawsuits or other legal issues.

What are Some Best Practices for Creating Effective Church Bylaws?

1. Become incorporated

It is vital for churches to become incorporated to protect themselves from potential financial and reputation losses. Incorporation also allows them to establish a legal name, address, and purpose that can be used for business activities. Additionally, bylaws are necessary to ensure disputes are resolved fairly, and board members have the legal responsibility of placing the church’s needs ahead of their own.


Incorporation helps shield board members from personal liability for any benefits or wages received during their service on the board. Furthermore, churches must adhere to all tax-exempt regulations set forth by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and state laws, such as charitable immunity laws or good Samaritan laws, which could offer protection from litigation if provided within those guidelines.


Finally, churches should consider including indemnification provisions in their bylaws which can help protect them further against lawsuits brought against their officers or employees.


2. Create proactive bylaws

Creating effective Church Bylaws requires considering constitutional and religious considerations. The bylaws should be carefully drafted and enforced to ensure that policies are followed, such as marriage policies or other important issues the church may have a stance on.


Establishing current member lists and amending the bylaws when necessary is an excellent way to protect the church from potential liability. If any policy is not followed, it may be evidence of guilt or that the position in question was not held by the church, so it’s important to monitor compliance with these rules through established enforcement and review processes.


3. Enforce bylaws

The purpose of bylaws is to protect a church from liability by clearly outlining the regulations and responsibilities of its members, establishing voting rights, referencing scripture to support religious beliefs, protecting member privacy, and prohibiting activities that conflict with doctrines. Bylaws also list the minister’s requirements before being licensed or ordained.


It is essential for churches to enforce their bylaws to ensure that their business is being conducted in an ethical and lawful manner. The board president should sign the bylaws, with either the secretary attesting to their signature or all members signing them.


4. Include a statement of Biblical authority

A statement of Biblical authority is vital to include in Church Bylaws to provide clarity and stability for church members. This statement serves as a foundation for the church’s rules and regulations, which help protect members from liability by making sure that decisions are based on God’s word.


It also ensures that any ethical issues are addressed according to biblical standards, reinforcing the legitimacy of the Church. Additionally, having a statement of Biblical authority helps reassure members that their beliefs are being respected and upheld by the Church.


5. Include a statement of fundamental beliefs

A statement of fundamental beliefs is essential to include in Church Bylaws as it provides clarity and understanding regarding the orthodox views of the Church. Including an account of fundamental theology in bylaws allows members to be aware of what the Church stands for and requires them to agree upon it before becoming a member.


This can help protect the Church from potential legal issues arising from misinterpretation or misunderstanding of its faith and beliefs. Moreover, having an understandable statement of basic belief helps increase transparency between people who may not be familiar with these concepts and provides easy access for all who wish to learn more about them.


6. Define the powers of the church

It is recommended that churches define the powers of the church in bylaws to ensure clarity and consistency.


7. Define the roles of directors, officers, and other staff

Having clearly defined roles of church board members and employees ensures your organization will have a clear structure. It also tells everyone their position within the organization and to who they should report.


8. Include procedures for public worship, church business meetings, voting by members, and formal dispute resolution

To ensure that public worship, church business meetings, voting by members, and formal dispute resolution are conducted properly and efficiently, it is essential to establish and abide by specific procedures.


  1. For public worship, all members should be made aware of the expected behavior (such as no talking during services) as well as any other rules or guidelines that need to be followed.
  2. During church business meetings, clear agendas should be established ahead of time, and decisions should be voted on by all members present. Voting by members should follow a specific procedure outlined by the church leadership to ensure fairness and accuracy in representing everyone’s opinions.
  3. Formal dispute resolution processes should also be established that provide a fair way for disagreements between members or between a member and the church leadership to be addressed in a respectful manner.


9. Include definitions for various church roles

It is important to include definitions for various church roles in Church Bylaws to help protect the Church from liability. By having clear explanations for each position, members understand their responsibilities and can better support the mission of the Church.


It also helps ensure everyone is on the same page regarding expectations and dispute resolution. Furthermore, defining roles within a church avoids any confusion or conflict down the line, so if something goes wrong, members are accountable and clearly understand their rights and duties.


10. Include a statement on marriage and sexuality

It is essential to include a statement on marriage and sexuality in Church Bylaws to protect the Church from potential legal liability. By providing explicit definitions of what constitutes appropriate behavior and identifying expectations for members, the Church can ensure that it is taking steps to avoid potential lawsuits. This is also recommended by church insurance providers as it can strengthen your case in court.


11. Include indemnification of directors, officers, employees, and agents

Including indemnification in Church Bylaws is crucial as it protects the church from potential financial losses due to legal action taken against its members. Indemnification clauses limit the amount of indemnification that can be provided and also set out a standard of conduct that must be met by directors, officers, and members of the Executive Team.


Additionally, these clauses provide protection for those involved if criminal proceedings are brought against them or if they are found guilty in such proceedings. By including this provision in their Bylaws, Churches can ensure that they are not held financially responsible should any legal action ensue against their members. It is vital to purchase a Directors and Officers insurance policy as part of your overall church insurance program.


12. Include provisions for church insurance and financial audits

It is crucial for Church Bylaws to include provisions for liability insurance for churches and financial audits to protect board members from becoming liable for decisions made while serving on the board. These measures safeguard against potential losses and help churches comply with their tax-exempt requirements. Church insurance policies may also cover individual Church Board Members if sued, providing another layer of protection.


13. Include provisions for compensation and employee benefits

It is important to include provisions for compensation and benefits in Church Bylaws to attract qualified members and staff, ensure that they are treated fairly, and protect them from any potential legal liabilities that may arise from their work on behalf of the Church.


Providing competitive compensation and attractive benefits can help nonprofit organizations attract and retain top talent and improve employee morale and productivity. Employers should consider including compensation and employee benefits provisions in their contracts to ensure that all employees are treated fairly.


These provisions should include salary information, bonuses or bonuses based on performance, overtime pay, vacation time, sick leave, health insurance coverage, pension or retirement plans, life insurance policies, disability plans, educational assistance programs, and other applicable benefits.


By outlining these provisions in your Bylaws, you can identify what benefits are allowed within your church organization.

Frequent asked questions faq

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some standard bylaws in churches?

Churches often have standard bylaws that outline their mission, how decisions are made, and how members are expected to act. These bylaws can include a statement of purpose and beliefs, a code of conduct for members, rules for holding meetings, guidelines for financial accountability, and other essential policies.


Many churches also include rules about membership requirements, roles and responsibilities of church leaders, use of church property, and the process for amending or removing bylaws. Some churches may even have clauses for disciplinary action if a church member violates the stated bylaws. These standard bylaws provide churches with direction and help ensure that their mission is carried out smoothly and effectively.


What is the difference between a church bylaw and a policy?

  • A church bylaw is a set of written guidelines that guide the church in its policy and procedure decisions.
  • Policies may cover anything from financial policies to disciplinary action.
  • Policies are often more specific and detailed than church bylaws, which can leave room for interpretation.
  • A policy can be more specific in outlining what is and is not allowed at a church, while a bylaw is less clear.
  • Policies are often written to protect the church from liability, while bylaws may allow for flexibility in the implementation of programs.


What are some standard church policies?

Church policies can cover many areas, such as financial policies, disciplinary procedures, and facility use agreements. These policies are intended to ensure a consistent level of operations and to protect the church from legal liability.


Additionally, volunteer policy is especially important; it should include safety protocols for those who volunteer with the church in any capacity.


Volunteer agreements and release of liability forms are also necessary to define the church’s and volunteers’ expectations. Professional services may be needed to draft these types of policies to ensure that they protect the church from liability.


What is the relationship between a church and its bylaws?

The relationship between a church and its bylaws is of fundamental importance. The bylaws are the legal framework that governs how the church operates and make decisions and protects the church from potential liability. Establishing precise membership requirements, managing structure, and other vital details in the bylaws ensures that any disputes or issues can be settled per set expectations.


Furthermore, including relevant Scripture references to support religious beliefs within the bylaws helps ensure that activities that could potentially conflict with doctrine or practice are prohibited. Finally, having all board members review and approve these policies before they take effect allows for more accountability within an organization.


How can bylaws help a church protect itself from liability?

The significance of bylaws concerning churches and liability protection is that they provide guidelines and rules that protect the church from legal liabilities, such as lawsuits.


Bylaws should be tailored to the individual church’s specific needs and should include scriptures that support the church’s beliefs, as well as a prohibition on activities that could lead to legal issues. Additionally, members will likely feel more secure with their privacy if they know that their records are confidential.


Ultimately, having bylaws is beneficial for all involved parties since it clarifies who has authority within the church and sets clear expectations for everyone involved.


What are some common ways that churches can be sued?

Churches can be sued in various ways, but the most common include defamation, negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and discrimination. To protect themselves from these types of lawsuits, churches should create bylaws that clearly outline member qualifications and responsibilities and legal definitions for issues like ecclesiastical abstention.


Additionally, incorporating the church may protect members such as pastors or board members from personal liability in a lawsuit.


What are some common types of bylaw violations?

Common bylaw violations can include failing to enforce member qualifications, not recognizing member responsibilities, and not adhering to legal definitions specific to the church. If a church does not correctly document religious beliefs and practices, it can lead to liability issues.


Bylaws must also be tailored to each church’s needs to ensure they are followed. Additionally, churches must ensure they adhere closely to local and state laws regarding operating within their jurisdiction. By following their written bylaws closely, churches can more effectively protect themselves from potential liability.


What are some common nonprofit penalties for bylaw violations?

Bylaw violations can result in penalties such as fines, suspensions, and expulsion from the church. Fines are usually determined based on the severity of the violation and are set forth by the church’s governing body. Suspensions involve temporarily prohibiting a member from participating in certain activities or attending services for a predetermined time.


In extreme cases, expulsion may be invoked, which bars an individual from future participation in church functions and activities.

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Integrity Now Insurance Brokers is a church insurance specialist that helps churches throughout the United States. They offer a full range of insurance products tailored to meet the needs of churches and religious organizations.


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They work with all the major church insurers in the country to ensure their clients get the best rates for their policies. With Integrity Now Insurance Brokers, you can ensure that your church is adequately protected against unexpected risks or events.


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