
Congregation in a ceremony

Imagine; even if every church member invites one new guest every year, the congregation can grow in leaps and bounds. Sadly, most of the members don’t feel comfortable bringing up their religious beliefs let alone inviting someone to their church. However, there are several less-intimidating and easy ways to encourage them to start inviting more people to your church community.

Start By Increasing Your Church’s Attendance

Attending a new church can make people anxious. Increase your church’s attendance by encouraging the congregation to invite more people to the church. Personal recommendations are almost always effective as a means of encouraging people to attend a congregation.

Research shows that 46% of the people are open to being invited to attend a church’s congregation by a friend or family member. Newcomers are likely to feel comfortable attending a congregation if they already know a member who attends.

Create Non-Threatening Social Events

Many people feel uncomfortable inviting people to church due to the stigma a church may have to the unchurched populations.  By creating a social event such as a carnival, drive in family movie night, or hosting a Trunk-or-Treat for Halloween to enable a safe place for families to bring their kids.  These events will allow your church members an opportunity to invite neighbors, friends, and family to a church event without the pressure of being “preached at”.  This allows visitors to get to know your church members during a fun event that is hosted by your church which can lead to these visitors wanting to learn more about your church.

Motivate The Members To Invite People To Church

Sometimes, fear of rejection or what people might think can deter members from inviting other people. Make it easy for them by mixing it up.

Instead, ask them creatively or interject the idea of their friends and family visiting the church occasionally or for a special Sunday sermon. Include inspiring stories in your sermons that are relatable to create a significant impact. You can also ask them to invite people to a Christmas musical being offered by your church, to make it easier for the member to invite and interesting enough for the invitee to accept.

Person using a laptop

Offer Special Gifts For Attendees And Those Who Invited Them

Incentives are a perfect way of getting people to make an extra effort for anything. Consider offering an exclusive gift to those who bring in invitees to entice others to step out of their comfort zones.

You can either ask the congregation to donate things that represent their business or create thank-you and welcome baskets with goodies, such as customized t-shirts, mugs, scrumptious treats, and other things. It’s a wonderful way of promoting the business of congregants while getting to know the community better.

Engage Members Through the Social Media

In this new digital age, inviting people isn’t limited to outright invitations. Members can spread the word by using social media. Encourage the members to share and, like your social media posts, to reach a new audience. However, ensure that your social media doesn’t include posts only specific to your church.

You should post meaningful content that the audience can engage with before deciding whether they should attend your church. You can also ask members to remain active during the sermon so that they can make a Facebook post or Tweet about it while tagging your church in the posts about things that inspire them during the sermon.

Clergy welcoming people at a church

You should try to create a warm and welcoming environment for all members so that they feel safe. If you’re looking for ways to safeguard your ministry, reach out to our experienced church insurance agents.

As a top-notch church insurance company, Integrity Now Insurance Brokers provides a wide range of services including, workers’ compensation insurance, house of worship insurance, commercial auto insurance, church property insurance, church liability insurance, and more to safeguard the ministries in ArizonaCalifornia, Colorado, NevadaOhio, Texas, and Washington.

Schedule a consultation with us by calling us at 877-854-7396 for a comprehensive coverage plan to ensure nothing can impede your church’s growth and progress.



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