Should a Convicted Sex Offender Be Allowed To Attend Church or Participate in Ministry Activities?
You may discover a convicted sex offender visits or wishes to visit your church at a certain point. Sex offenders get freed from jail in states all around the country. According to studies, sex offenders require both therapy and social support to allow them to handle the emotions that drove them to commit sex crimes. Churches might play an important role in assisting offenders in reintegrating into society, rebuilding connections, changing old habits, and deepening their Christian commitment.
A poll of over 3,000 church members and leaders was undertaken by Christianity Today International in 2010. As per the poll, 20% of church leaders were familiar with one or more registered sex offenders attending or a part of their community. Eighty percent of participants felt that offenders who have fulfilled their debt to society should be allowed into churches.
Whereas allowing sex offenders back into a church to spend their life dedicated to religion is a good way to allow convicted offenders and help them get their life back on track, there should be certain precautions taken. In this blog, we’ll mention the steps you’ll need to take when allowing a convicted sex offender back into church.
Know the Sex Offender
The term sex offender is a broad term that covers multiple sex crimes. A little research into what type of sex offender the person willing to join the church is, will help you make a better decision.
Registered Sex Offender
Registered sex offenders have been found guilty of a crime that includes a sex act, for example, attempted rape, child sex abuse, child pornography, etc. These people must be registered in the sex offenders’ registry after serving jail time or being granted parole as part of the trial and sentencing procedure.
Please keep in mind that the vast majority of sex offenders won’t be caught or convicted of the crime that necessitates sex offender status. More than ninety percent of offenders have never experienced criminal justice in any manner. Hence, the RSO group is a small fraction of the offender demographic. This is why the church insurance providers highly recommend a 6-month to 1-year waiting period to get to know each individual who wants to work in youth ministry.
A frequent condition in the enrollment process is that the offender discloses their previous criminal record to church officials and obtains formal authorization from them to join or engage in worship services.
Known Sex Offenders
A known sex offender has been accused of sexually harassing minors. They may have been found guilty of a crime but are not compelled to be included on the record. Alternatively, an abuser may have been caught, but the apprehension did not lead to a sentence. In some instances, the abuser acknowledges sexually abusing a child in the past, but no legal charges have been filed. In simple terms, a known sex offender has previously sexually molested a minor.
RSO regulations are frequently confined to RSOs within the ministry and do not include other known sex offenders. Regarding civil responsibility for sexual assault risk, the requirements of care and penalties for known sex offenders are the same as for registered sex offenders. A ministry presumably knew of risk from specific individuals. The risk manifested itself, causing injury to a minor.
Unknown Sex Offenders
Unknown sex offenders are the largest group of offenders. These people look very normal but have a history of sexual abuse and haven’t yet been caught or convicted. You can never be sure of a person’s past or lifestyle, so background checks can play an important role.
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Letting a Sex Offender in Your Church
1. Is Your Church Called to Let a Sex Offender Join?
When a church attender (or a friend/relative of a notable family) has served a criminal conviction and wishes to rejoin their church family, the question of allowing a convicted sex offender to join or engage in church programs may emerge. Following their return, the person concerned may request that church officials devise a strategy to allow attendance.
Make efforts to determine if the church is directed to this kind of missionary program, starting with assessing your goals and values.
This examination may result in a big list. Create a list and prioritize it. Preaching ministry, music ministry, teaching ministry, student ministry, and children’s ministry may appear to be common in our culture. These ministry activities seem like the core principles for most of the churches in the United States, and they are often what people look for when looking for a new church. Programs connected to recovery, counseling, mentorship, social services, community outreach, and youth sports are examples of missional principles.
Each one of these initiatives necessitates government funds from a limited budget. The resources required to run a ministry program for convicted offenders effectively will be taken from funding that otherwise would have been allocated to some other group or program. So, are you willing to commit major resources to run a program for convicted offenders?
2. Does Your Church Have an Efficient Child Protection System?
Using a classic analogy, does your church have adequate defenses to protect your sheep before you start a wolf ministry program?
This question halts the conversation in many congregations. Proper child protection practices are designed to keep youngsters in your church safe from the recognized risk of sexual exploitation. Generally, an efficient children’s safety strategy is designed to protect children against an identified risk posed by an unknown source. To put it another way, you have no idea which job applicant, volunteer, or church member is a risk to the kids in your church. As a result, a successful safety system comprises training, background screening, strict policy requirements, and efficient supervision to establish an atmosphere in which abusers have limited opportunities to groom children for inappropriate interactions.
You must take reasonable precautions to minimize any risk from a known offender if you are catering to known sex offenders. You are liable for what happens under your watch, under the roof of the church, or even in the framework of your program if any harm occurs from a known risk.
Your church will only be ready to run programs catering to sex offenders when you have the most efficient child protection systems in place with strict policies.
3. Have You Consulted Your Congregation?
Don’t expect all congregation members to be enthusiastic about ministering to known criminals. Instead, you should anticipate that many members of your church would leave.
Carefully speak with your community, including individuals and other leaders. Never assume that your members will be unaffected by this decision to let any sex offender in, and never force an abuse victim to worship with their abuser. The victim’s safety and security should always come first.
Assume that your church is not entitled to this mission if the church leader cannot speak with the community transparently about this subject.
4. Can You Provide Limited Services?
Some churches determine they can only provide limited ministry options, such as gathering with pastors or seniors off-campus, enabling monitored participation at a specific worship session, or participating in a tiny number without children. Allowing a known criminal to participate in youth ministry is not a good idea.
If you decide the church is not suited to minister to known sex offenders, look for alternative organizations engaged in this sector locally or nationally.
If your church answers all the questions above and you’re willing to let sex offenders in your church, keep the following things in mind as you move along with the process.
Common Assumptions To Avoid When Letting in a Sex Offender in Your Church
1. Criminal Records Tell the Whole Story
According to criminal studies, an offender typically has a number of victims before being prosecuted, whereas the criminal record is likely to pertain to just one victim. Remember that the justice system maintains records to follow a specific and unique criminal case. Their goal is not to find evidence of the accused’s criminal history. A guilty offender’s criminal background could be a small part of their abusive background. Do not believe that the danger is restricted to only criminal records that can be examined.
2. Offenders are Telling You the Whole Story
Never believe an excuse for a previous criminal offense. Don’t assume the perpetrator is telling you the complete story when they say anything regarding the crime. For example, the child was convinced by someone else to testify against them, or they didn’t know the victim was underage, etc.
3. Every Offender is Suitable for Your Church
Some sex offenders will contact church authorities and start a conversation about their previous behavior and desire to follow church rules. All offenders will not initiate this discussion. Assume the offender isn’t a suitable candidate if they shows signs of deceit, try to avoid or escape processes, or exhibit hostility toward boundaries.
4. Parents or Spouses Are a Good Choice for Supervising Offenders
Parents generally have high expectations for their children. They are unlikely to imagine that their son/daughter will intentionally engage in inappropriate sexual behavior toward someone else. Spouses are exposed to the guilty spouse’s continued influence. Occasionally, a spouse presumably knew about the infringing behavior but denied filing charges or testifying due to the marriage’s consequences. Supervisors ought to be unrelated people who have been taught and screened and are acquainted with offenders’ habits.
5. Your Congregation is Onboard with the Idea of Letting an Offender In
According to studies, 1 in every 4 women and 1 in every 6 men were sexually molested as youngsters. This indicates that it’s highly probable that your church’s congregation comprises survivors of sexual abuse in varying levels of rehabilitation. When some people find that known sex offenders are accepted in the church, they will consider leaving. Understandably, families want themselves and their kids to feel secure in the church at the very least.
Making Policies for Letting in Sex Offenders
Safety of Children Should be the Priority
First and foremost, children must be protected. Church leaders must make protecting children and teenagers a top priority.
Know the Danger
Just because an offender speaks in religious terms or expresses their religious views does not guarantee they are trustworthy. They might be displaying repentant behavior, but it doesn’t rule out the possibility that they’ll offend again.
Make a Dedicated Team
It is critical to create a basic team that is familiar with a response procedure and teaches your workers, volunteers, and management about the actions they must take if an offender is identified in church or a known offender commits a suspicious act.
Thoroughly Investigate and Screen the Applicant
It’s critical to conduct thorough investigations into all offenses when a person discloses themselves or is identified as a sex offender. To learn about the person’s charges, perform a criminal history check immediately. Speak to the person’s probation officer and their therapist, and go over all their records. We also recommend obtaining personal referrals from family members, friends, and prior pastoral staff. This can provide additional insight into the individual’s interactions with people they know personally.
Review and Consider Each Case Separately
Don’t make a generalized policy to judge every offender under the same circumstances. Review all cases separately and consider them based on their past and criminal records. We have found sex offender crimes deal with a broad range of situations. This can be anything from an 18-year-old dating a 17-year-old and the parents filing charges to a much more traumatic crime.
Be Open About it
Make your admission of registered offenders public. Offenders feed on secrecy. The church is best protected when its presence and behavior are openly known and discussed. This allows for a continued open dialog between your church members and the registered sex offender.
Never Let a Sex Offender Join a Congregation with their Victim
A sex offender must never be permitted to join or attend a church or group in which one of their victims is a member. This has to be a strict rule, no matter how low of a risk the offender poses.
Code of Conduct
Suppose an offender is permitted to attend church gatherings. In that case, a specific code of conduct must be presented to them, such as not attending with children, not interacting with children on church premises, always being supervised by another adult, etc.
Review the Policy and the Individual
Lastly, the person’s behavior should be reviewed regularly, and policies should be adjusted accordingly. It’s preferred to be reviewed bi-annually, every six months or so.
No matter how careful you are, letting in known and convicted sex offenders is always a risk. Minimize that risk by getting your church insured. If you’re looking for a reputable church insurance company, Integrity Now Insurance provides customized church insurance policies in multiple states, including California, Arizona, Washington, Ohio, and Nevada. We specialize in a whole suite of insurance services, including but not limited to general liability insurance, business auto insurance, workers’ compensation insurance, directors and officers insurance, abuse and molestation insurance, and more for nonprofits and faith-based organizations.
Get in touch with us now for further information.